A2VC- Sunday, November 19th

A2VC- Sunday, November 19th

Watch the Weekly Celebrations Live at 10:45am on Sundays

New to the Vineyard? Welcome!

Are you new to our community? Let us know by filling out a Welcome Card and we'll get in touch with you! This is the best way to get connected at our church and to let us know how we can best serve you.


If you think of Vineyard as your church home, giving regularly is a way to be a part of the work we’re doing in and outside of our church. We love that we get to play a part in the generosity God extends to others through our benevolence fund, Easter giveaway, Sunday celebrations, ministry of presence, and more. You made it happen through your prayers, service, and financial gifts!

Wanted: Toddler-sized Furnishings

Our toddler classroom is looking for extra toddler-sized furniture, rugs, or toys to borrow for a few weeks while we are in between daycare renters. If you have furnishings to share, you can talk to Pastor Marissa or just bring it to church. 


For Thanksgiving this year, we will be handing out to-go meals on Thanksgiving Day from 12:00-2:00pm at the Delonis Center (312 W Huron St Ann Arbor, MI 48104). Whilst we won’t be using any volunteers, we would be blessed with any financial donations, and we could also use all the 20oz bottles of soda you can give! Pepsi, Coke, Mountain Dew. That’s it. Leave soda in the red bins outside of Pastor Shaun’s office. Here’s a link to give monies, just make a note that it’s for Thanksgiving.


Elementary Kids Meetup | November 19th

Families of kids aged 6-11 are invited to join for the Elementary Kids Meetup on November 19th in the cafe after church. We'll have lunch, a fun group project, and a conversation about faith and life. Talk to Rafael and LaVon Mejia to learn more (203-545-9981).

Decorate the Church! | November 26th

Stick around after the church service to help us decorate for Advent and Christmas! We are looking for a Captain of Decorations to champion this effort. If decorating is your gift, we welcome you to share it and be our leader at this time.

Church Business Meeting | November 12th

Join us after church for an update on church finances.

Sunday Night Worship (aka Worship Circle)

Worship is the expression of reverence, honor and respect to God. Join us for a time of extended community worship - focusing on the heart through intimate songs, intercession and prayer minis- try. Shaun Garth Walker’s house, 329 Oak Street, Ypsilanti 48197. Sunday evening, November 19th, 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm. Friends and family welcome!

Advent Bible Study | December 3, 10, &17 at 9:30am

How do the gospel writers "decorate for Christmas"? Each week we'll read the opening 2-3 chapters of one book (Matthew, Luke, and John) and discuss the unique ways each one presents the beginning of Jesus' story. You're invited to purchase a copy of "Christmas in the Four Gospel Homes" and/or "The First Nations Version New Testament" for this study, but these are optional readings. Sign up in the lobby or talk to Pastor Marissa!

October Church Board Meeting Notes

At the October 29 Board Meeting, the Church Board voted on the following motions:- To approve September's minutes- To authorize Kat Fox and Sue Chi as our designees for signing mortgage documents- To approve Bowu Reed, Bren Russ, and Callie Reymann to fill vacant positions on the board effective immediately.

Other Business:

- Plans to review compensation and cost of living increases for hourly staff later this year when we update the budget to include the new mortgage. The board is hopeful that we can review compensation at a regular annual interval going forward.

- Shaun is working with the Shelter Association to sort out a time to host rotating shelter. This year's thanksgiving meals will be take-out-style handed out at Delonis Center.

- Our youth group leadership team Jon and Clem continue to discern their recommendation for future leadership in this area. They continue to offer regular teaching and events for the youth.

- our broken windo(w)or is getting replaced soon-ish.

- our building is undergoing various inspections for the purposes of licensing our new daycare, "Uno Dos Tres Preschool" We look forward to budget and vision related updates from Donnell at our next board meeting on November 19.

Christmas Services

Morning worship with no children's programs | December 24th at 10:45am

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service | December 24th at 5pm

Gratitude Service | December 31st 10:45am, no livestream 

Epiphany Sunday | January 7, undecorating the church to follow

Homeless Ministry Donations Needed!

Homeless Ministry could use specific donations of chocolate Ensure, canned soup (with a pop-top, NOT condensed), granola bars, tuna in packets (NOT canned), and bottled water. Questions? Ask Pastor Shaun at shaun.walker@annarborvineyard.com or text him at 734-945-7670

Sunday Morning Prayer

Join us at 10:15am in office A2 (office to the right in the gallery area) each Sunday to pray for our service and our church community.

Youth Group

6th-12th grade students are invited to gather in the youth room on the first and third Sundays of the month during the service from 11:00am-12:15pm. We start youth group with a game or an activity. There are donuts or some type of treat followed by a quick lesson and faith based discussion. We typically end by sharing prayer requests.

Intercessory Prayer

If you want to pray together for our church, community, and loved ones, join our intercessors group online. Contact intercessors@annarborvineyard.org for details.

Blue Prayer Cards

Fill out our online prayer card, and the pastoral staff will pray for you.

One-on-One Prayer

If you would like someone to pray for you personally, email prayerteam@annarborvineyard.org with your name and phone number. Someone on our prayer team will give you a call.

Check out our sermon podcast!

Catch up on sermons you've missed or send them to your friends and family through our sermon podcast.

Available on Apple Podcast | Google Podcast | Spotify | RSS.

Birthdays This Week

• Henry Hoesch, Alexander H. Ford, Hee Jae Ellie Choi, Suchareetha Anand, Taji Simwenyi