A2VC- Sunday, March 10th

Vineyard Church of Ann Arbor - Weekly Electronic Bulletin
Vineyard Church of Ann Arbor - Weekly Electronic Bulletin

Watch the Weekly Celebrations Live at 10:45am on Sundays

New to the Vineyard? Welcome!

Are you new to our community? Let us know by filling out a Welcome Card and we'll get in touch with you! This is the best way to get connected at our church and to let us know how we can best serve you.

Current Sermon Series - Sabbath

Current Sermon Series: Sabbath

Lenten Recommendations & Resources

Lent serves as a time of deep self-reflection and internal inspection. It’s a time to look at what has been getting in the way of our relationship with God, and to actively seek renewal and intimacy with God and each other. For some, it can be a time to strip away bad habits, clear our minds, rid ourselves of excess baggage, and to examine all the ways we “miss the mark” as we acknowledge our regret. We have lots of tools to help us with this process: prayer, fasting, service, and the simplification of our lives in the presence of a loving Father.

We have six practices to help you meet God at the edge of your comfort zone and experiment with prayer. <http://bit.ly/a2vc-lent>

  1. Your Bold Request
  2. The Answered Prayer Wall
  3. Identify and Pray for Your Six
  4. Bless One of Your Six
  5. Experiment with a Daily Devotional
  6. Join us as we give away the Easter offering

Giving Away the Easter Offering

In the past we have given away our offering for Food Gatherers, Habitat for Humanity, Religious for Affordable Housing, SOS Community Center, Shelter Association of Washtenaw County, RIP Medical Debt, and A/C units for low-income families. This year, we are giving away our Easter Offering to Friends in Deed’s Mattress program. Every year Friends In Deed provides around 300 mattresses and beds to families/individuals in Washtenaw County. Offerings designated for the Easter fund will help Friends In Deed purchase the mattresses and all donated funds will be matched at 25% by VanWinkle Mattress. Contributions toward the mattress drive will be collected all through Lent (please designate “Easter offering” if you desire  a contribution to go toward this fund). In addition, the entire Easter morning offering will be given to the Friends In Deed mattress fund.

Hearing God in Scripture, Sunday, March 10, 17 - 9:30AM

In this class, we’ll be reflecting on a short passage of scripture together using lectio divina, a simple, time-tested prayer practice that combines scripture and contemplation. If you’re new to prayer or could use some supportive community to practice listening to God’s voice, join us for one or more Sunday mornings. Sign up in the lobby or email Pastor Marissa marissa.ortiz@annarborvineyard.org to learn more.

Cultivate Vineyard - Sunday, March 10th @ 5:30PM 

Sunday, March 10th from 5:30pm-7:30pm. Come to Cultivate Vineyard to continue work on the church's updated vision. Cultivate is the place where we will come together as a community to learn, grow, and work on the vision that Jesus has given us for our community. Come to enjoy food together, conversation, and learn about our vision as we participate directly in the work God is doing in our community. Childcare is provided.

Baptism – Sunday, March 31.

Baptism is the means by which disciples (followers) of Christ are publicly identified. In the New Testament, it is evident that baptism follows an individual’s decision to trust Christ alone for salvation. (Act 2:41, 8:12, and 10:47-48) Sign up for baptisms at the events station. There will be a 30 minute baptism meeting scheduled on Sunday, March 17 before church in the meeting room.

Elementary Kids Meet Up, Sunday, April 14

Families of kids aged 6-11 are invited to join for the Elementary Kids Meetup small group on March 3 and April 14. We’ll meet in the cafe after church for lunch, a fun group project, and a conversation about faith and life. Talk to Rafael and LaVon Mejia to learn more (203) 545-9981.

Holy Week

PALM SUNDAY:  Sunday, March 24th; join us during church as we begin our journey through Holy Week through our communal and global recognition of Palm Sunday. 

GOOD FRIDAY: Friday, March 29th Join us from 12-1pm in the church sanctuary for an hour of reflection on the crucifixion of Jesus.

EASTER SUNDAY: On Easter Sunday, March 31st join us for our 10:45am our celebration!

Volunteers Needed: Unified Sports Bocce Competition

Unified sports pairs disabled and non-disabled young adults to play on the same teams. Washtenaw Intermediate School District YA students are looking for peer partners to compete in bocce in Mount Pleasant on May 30th. This opportunity is open to teens and young adults 14-30. High school students can get volunteer hours. Interested students, please fill out the following form. Contact Sara Acton to learn more: sarajacton@gmail.com.


If you think of Vineyard as your church home, giving regularly is a way to be a part of the work we’re doing in and outside of our church. We love that we get to play a part in the generosity God extends to others through our benevolence fund, Easter giveaway, Sunday celebrations, ministry of presence, and more. You made it happen through your prayers, service, and financial gifts!

Homeless Ministry Donations Needed!

Homeless Ministry could use specific donations of chocolate Ensure, canned soup (with a pop-top, NOT condensed), granola bars, tuna in packets (NOT canned), and bottled water. Questions? Ask Pastor Shaun at shaun.walker@annarborvineyard.com or text him at 734-945-7670

Sunday Morning Prayer

Join us at 10:15am in office A2 (office to the right in the gallery area) each Sunday to pray for our service and our church community.

Youth Group

6th-12th grade students are invited to gather in the youth room on the first and third Sundays of the month during the service from 11:00am-12:15pm. We start youth group with a game or an activity. There are donuts or some type of treat followed by a quick lesson and faith based discussion. We typically end by sharing prayer requests.

Intercessory Prayer

If you want to pray together for our church, community, and loved ones, join our intercessors group online. Contact intercessors@annarborvineyard.org for details.

Blue Prayer Cards

Fill out our online prayer card, and the pastoral staff will pray for you.

One-on-One Prayer

If you would like someone to pray for you personally, email prayerteam@annarborvineyard.org with your name and phone number. Someone on our prayer team will give you a call.

Check out our sermon podcast!

Catch up on sermons you've missed or send them to your friends and family through our sermon podcast.

Available on Apple Podcast | Google Podcast | Spotify | RSS.

Birthdays This Week

Rachel Hercula, Yves Nazon, Jane Grimes, Karen Kelsey