A2VC- Sunday, August 18th

Vineyard Church of Ann Arbor - Weekly Electronic Bulletin
Vineyard Church of Ann Arbor - Weekly Electronic Bulletin

Watch the Weekly Celebrations Live at 10:45am on Sundays

Fall Children's Ministry Update

We currently have enough volunteers to offer a Toddler class, a Pre-K/K class, and one Elementary class (1st through 5th grades). As soon as we get enough volunteers, we will be able to divide the Elementary class into two classes: 1st through 3rd grades and then 4th and 5th grades. Please pray about whether you can volunteer once or twice a month - for any age group. The out-of-class time is minimal, and volunteer forms are available in the lobby. Please contact Barb Hillaker <barb.hillaker@annarborvineyard.org> if you are interested in serving our children this year.

Financial Update - Ending the fiscal year in the black

Our total income is 7% above projections (thank you for your generosity!), but we’re facing some challenges with general tithes and our daycare tenant situation. As a result, we’re projecting a potential shortfall of $14,000 to $21,000 for this fiscal year. Your support is crucial as we navigate these shortfalls and challenges. Here's a link to the detailed budget update, which outlines the situation and provides ways you can help. Together, we can overcome these temporary setbacks and continue our vital ministry work.

2024-2025 Proposed Church Budget

I am pleased to share the proposed budget for our upcoming fiscal year, 2024-2025, starting on September 1, 2024, and ending on August 31, 2025. This budget reflects a conservative forecast on tithes and offerings. (Please note that copies of our proposed budget are available in the lobby).

Open Board Meeting for the Budget - Today, August 18th

Church members are invited to join the church board after the service on Sunday, August 18th to review the proposed budget for the 2024 - 2025 fiscal year, ask questions, and share feedback.

Fall Children's Ministry Volunteer Meeting - Today, August 18th

Following service on August 18th, there will be a mandatory meeting for all CM volunteers. This will be an orientation for the 2024-25 program, and will include the required review of our abuse prevention policy. You’ll have a chance to ask questions and provide suggestions at this meeting as well. Please let Barb Hillaker barb.hillaker@annarborvineyard.org know if you cannot attend, as we will have to schedule a make-up session for the required training. 

Elementary Kids Meet Up - Sunday, August 25th

Families of kids aged 6-11 are invited to join us for the Elementary Kids Meetup small group on Sunday, August 25th following service. We’ll meet in the café for lunch, a fun group project, and a conversation about faith and life. Please talk to Rafael and LaVon Mejia to learn more (203) 545-9981.

Embracing God's Unfolding Story: Our 2026 Vision

Join us in exploring the Vineyard Church of Ann Arbor's vibrant vision for 2026! Rooted in God's love and guided by the Holy Spirit, we're creating a community where everyone belongs. Our vision celebrates diversity, fosters deep connections, and radiates joy. From our welcoming gallery space to our inclusive worship, we're committed to spiritual growth, community service, and living out God's generous welcome. Discover how you can be part of this exciting journey of transformation, belonging, and boundless generosity. Please click the following link to read our full 2026 Vision, and to see how you can contribute to our church's thriving future: https://bit.ly/a2vc-2026-vision

We're Under Construction

We have installed new doors in the north and south hallways for our daycare tenant to comply with state regulations. Please be cautious to avoid damaging the newly installed doors. 


If you think of Vineyard as your church home, giving regularly is a way to be a part of the work we’re doing in and outside of our church. We love that we get to play a part in the generosity God extends to others through our benevolence fund, Easter giveaway, Sunday celebrations, ministry of presence, and more. You made it happen through your prayers, service, and financial gifts!

Homeless Ministry Donations Needed!

Homeless Ministry could use specific donations of chocolate Ensure, canned soup (with a pop-top, NOT condensed), granola bars, tuna in packets (NOT canned), and bottled water. Questions? Ask Pastor Shaun at shaun.walker@annarborvineyard.com or text him at 734-945-7670

Sunday Morning Prayer

Join us at 10:15am in office A2 (office to the right in the gallery area) each Sunday to pray for our service and our church community.

Youth Group

6th-12th grade students are invited to gather in the youth room on the first and third Sundays of the month during the service from 11:00am-12:15pm. We start youth group with a game or an activity. There are donuts or some type of treat followed by a quick lesson and faith based discussion. We typically end by sharing prayer requests.

Intercessory Prayer Team

If you would like to pray together for our church, community, and loved ones, join our intercessors group online. Please contact barb.hillaker@annarborvineyard.org for details.

Blue Prayer Cards

Fill out our online prayer card, and the pastoral staff will pray for you.

One-on-One Prayer

If you would like someone to pray for you personally, email prayerteam@annarborvineyard.org with your name and phone number. Someone on our prayer team will give you a call.

Check out our sermon podcast!

Catch up on sermons you've missed or send them to your friends and family through our sermon podcast.

Available on Apple Podcast | Google Podcast | Spotify | RSS.

Birthdays This Week

Serenity Bartholomay, Jonathan Hurshman, Shyanne Nash